
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Optionally import other command files from this group. Only core.bash is loaded by default for `core` group
# import code/core-extra

# @arg variable name in which to store the aliases output
# An array in form of `(alias:"group command", alias2:"another command")`
function core_aliases(){
    declare -n al="$1"

    # running `core abd` will call `core add bin dir
    al+=(abd:"core add bin dir")
    # running `core h` will call the primary `help` function & show a menu

# `core` is the group & every `core` group function must begin with `core_`.
# When running your library, `core` group is assumed if a group is not given, so `yourcommand core` and `yourcommand` are the same thing.
function core(){
    ## This is the correct way to call other groups. 
    # Generally, you should not call them directly
    # `help` has special functionality that works very differently from all the other groups. 
    run core help

# Add an `export PATH` call to your `~/.bashrc` file 
# @tip Add a `bin` directory
# @arg directory - a full directory path
function core_add_bin_dir(){
    if prompt_yes_or_no "Add '$dir' to PATH via ~/.bashrc?";then
        echo "export PATH=\"$dir:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
        msg_status "~/.bashrc updated!"

    msg_instruct "Run 'source ~/.bashrc' or re-launch your terminal"